Topless Shirts
Logo • Visual Identity • Brand Narrative • Web Design • Packaging • Marketing Materials

Role: Lead Creative
Web Designer
Production Supervisor
eCommerce Photographer
Topless Shirts was a labor of love project that I turned into a small business for close to a decade.
I fell in love with screen printing in school and that blossomed into my first job in a print house. After designing shirts for friends and local bands I decided to combine my love of movie/pop-culture and my often dark humor, and create a line of shirts. It was a hit and I designed and traveled up and down the east coast at various comic-cons, conventions and markets for almost 9 years.
I created the branding, website, emails and marketing materials. I designed, printed, sold and shipped over 25 different designs. Doing this provided me hands-on experience in logistics, talent oversight, and on-location management.